Lessons at Hanway

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Instrumental Lessons



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Theory & History Lessons



Adult Lessons
adtul lesson

Music is for all ages and it is never too late to start. Here at Hanway Music School in Toronto, we offer music lessons to our adult students with curriculum especially designed for those to finds their interest in music.

Whether its learning one song or deciding to commit to an instrument for long term, we can accommodate your educational needs. We understand that you have a busy schedule and may not be available weekly at a designated time, therefore, Hanway is able to introduce flex-lessons to our adult students.

By signing up four lessons, you may complete these four lessons at any given time within 30 days, giving you the maximum flexibility so you don’t have to worry about re-arranging your schedules.




Got a question? Use our live chat to speak to us orCLICK HERE to book online!
keywords:Best Music Lesson in Markham in Richmond Hill Best Music Lesson in Markham in Richmond Hill